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紅血球相關(Hb and others)
- 簡介
- Hb:正常範圍:男 14-18,女 12-16(g/dL)
- HCT:紅血球在血液中所占的體積(%)。正常範圍:男 40-50%,女 35-45%
- 腎臟產生 EPO → BM 造血 → RBC life 120 天
- 下降原因
- 消耗增加:Bleeding、hemolysis
- 製造減少
- Microcytic:iron deficiency、copper deficiency、some anemia of chronic disease、thalassemia、sideroblastic anemia、lead poisoning
- Normocytic:anemia of chronic inflammation、anemia of chronic disease、CKD、hypothyroidism、BM abnormality
- Macrocytic
- megaloblastic anemia:B12 / folate deficiency
- alcoholism、chronic liver disease、hypothyroidism、drugs
- 上升原因
- 體液減少(濃度相對上升):脫水、燒傷、休克
- 原發性:Polycythemia vera
- 次發性:其他原因造成 EPO 上升
- 缺氧:心肺疾病、高海拔、抽菸
- 腫瘤:RCC、ovarian cancer、uterine cancer、HCC
RBC indices
- 簡介
- 每個 RBC 的平均體積(和 HCT / RBC 有關)
- 正常範圍:80-100 fL
- 下降原因
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Thalassemia
- Some anemia of chronic illness
- 上升原因
- Spurious:cold or warm agglutinins、high WBC count
- Megaloblastic anemia:vit B12 / folate deficiency
- Reticulocytosis
- Alcohol toxicity
- Others:Hypothyroidism、chronic liver disease
- 簡介
- 每個 RBC 內所含 Hb 的平均量,通常和MCV相關(Hb / RBC)
- 正常範圍:27-31 pg
- 下降原因
- 同 MCV 下降原因
- 上升原因
- 同 MCV 上升原因
- 簡介
- 每公升血液中平均 Hb 濃度(Hb / HCT)
- 正常範圍:33-37 g/dL
- 因為血球體積限制,MCHC 通常不會>37,除非特殊情況(如 Hb 形狀異常)
- 下降原因
- Microcytic:Iron deficiency anemia、thalassemia
- 上升原因
- Hb 形狀異常:spherocytosis
- 簡介
- RBC大小的變異度
- 正常範圍:11.5-14.5
- 上升原因
- Microcytic
- Iron deficiency anemia
- thalassemia
- Normocytic
- early nutrition deficiency:iron / folate / B12 deficiency
- dimorphic anemia
- sickle cell anemia
- chronic liver disease
- myelodysplasia
- Macrocytic
- nutritional deficiency:Vit B12 / folate deficiency
- reticulocytosis
- chronic liver disease
- myelodysplasia
- hereditary spherocytosis / elliptocytosis
- Others:old、exercise、pregnancy
- Microcytic
- 簡介
- 肝臟合成的球蛋白,會和 hemoglobin 結合
- 下降原因
- 消耗增加:血管內溶血
- 製造減少:肝硬化
- 上升原因
- 各種發炎反應:組織傷害、發炎、感染、惡性腫瘤、collagen vascular disease
- 排出減少:膽道阻塞
白血球相關(WBC and DC)
- 簡介
- 正常範圍:45-75%(可能根據不同實驗室而有所差異)
- ANC = WBC x (band + neutrophil)
- Moderate neutropenia: ANC<1000/uL,severe neutropenia:ANC <500
- 下降原因
- Congenital:cyclic neutropenia、glycogen storage disease、Chediak-Highashi syndrome…
- Acquired
- Infection:viral(HBV、HCV、EBV、CMV、HIV)、atypical bacteria(brucella、TB、Rickettsia)、severe sepsis
- Drug:化療、Baktar、methimaozle、clozapine、ticlopidine、vancomycin
- Nutrition:vit B12 / folic acid / copper deficiency
- Autoimmune
- Neoplasm:MDS、leukemia(AML、ALL、hairy cell、LGL、others)
- Hypersplenism
- 上升原因
- Spurious:PLT clumping、cryoglobulinemia
- Primary
- Hematologic neoplasm:CML、PV、ET、prePMF、PMF、CNL、CEL、aCML
- Genetic / inherited:Down’s syndrome、leukocyte adhesion deficiency…
- Secondary
- Infection:主要是細菌感染
- Inflammation:autoimmune disease、non-hematologic malignancies(paraneoplastic production of G-CSF、GM-CSF or excessive cytokines)
- Endocrine:thyroid storm、hypercortisolism
- Drugs or substance
- Smoking:chronic、mild neutrophilia
- Drug
- BM stimulation:G-CSF、GM-CSF、ATRA、Arsenic trioxide、lithium 等
- Demargination:steroid、catecholamines
- Vaccination
- BM stimulation:anemia、thrombocytopenia (hematopoiesis 增加,造成 WBC、neutrophil、PLT 增加)
- BM infiltration:tumor、fibrosis、granulomatous disease
- Asplenia:splenectomy、sickle cell disease
- Stress:exercise、heat stroke、surgery、seizure
- Leukemoid reaction
- 簡介
- 正常範圍:15-45%(可能根據不同實驗室而有所差異)
- 下降原因
- Congenital
- Infection
- Virus:flu、measles、HBV、HCV、HIV、SARS、COVID-19
- bacterial:TB、brucellosis
- fungus、parasitic
- Systemic disease
- autoimmune:SLE、RA、inflammatory myopathies、IBD、MS、Graves disease…
- Renal failure、sarcoidosis、immunodeficiency
- hematologic disease:lymphoma、aplastic anemia
- Other malignancy:sarcoma、breast cancer、pancreatic cancer、bone metastasis
- Medications:immunosuppressive agent、steroid、chemotherapy、radiotherapy
- Malnutrition:zinc deficiency、alcohol use disorder、severe malnutrition、stress
- 上升原因(>4000-5000)
- Clonal:CLL、ALL、non-Hodgkin lymphoma、congenital B cell lymphocytosis
- Reactive
- Infection:Virus(HBV、HCV、flu、EBV、CMV、HIV)、Bacteria(TB、pertussis、cat scratch fever)、Parasitic
- Stress:cardiac event、trauma、surgery、exercise、smoking
- Autoimmune:RA
- Endocrine:hyperthyroidism、Addison disease、hypopituitarism
- Hypersensitivity:DRESS、serum sickness
- Monoclonal B cell lymphocytosis
- 簡介
- 正常範圍:4 – 9 %(可能根據不同實驗室而有所差異)
- 下降原因
- Iatrogenic:chemotherapy、radiotherapy、onset of steroid
- Hematologic disease:hairy cell leukemia、aplastic anemia
- GATA2 deficiency
- 上升原因(>500)
- Infection:TB、bacterial endocarditis、Listeria、fungus、parasites
- Inflammation:IBD、sarcoidosis、autoimmune(SLE)
- Hematologic:Hodgkin lymphoma、CMML、MDS、MPD、MDS-MPD
- Other malignancies:carcinoma
- Recovery from myelosuppression
- 簡介
- 正常範圍:0.5 – 5 %(可能根據不同實驗室而有所差異)
- 下降原因
- Acute stress
- Acute inflammatory states
- Steroid、Cushing’s syndrome
- 上升原因(>500)
- Infection:parasite、fungus
- Allergy:drugs、asthma、allergic rhinitis、atopic dermatitis、ABPA
- Autoimmune:RA、SLE、PAN、Churg-Strauss syndrome
- Immunodeficiency
- Malignancy:solid tumor、hematologic neoplasm
- Others:adrenal insufficiency、cholesterol emboli、hypereosinophilia syndrome
- 簡介
- 正常範圍:0.1 – 1 %(可能根據不同實驗室而有所差異)
- 下降原因
- Acute stress or infection
- Hyperthyroidism
- Steroid
- 上升原因(>150)
- 大部分是 MPN
- Inflammation:IBD、chronic airway inflammation
- 簡介
- life span 約 10 天
- Risk of bleeding
- 50000-100000:risk with major trauma
- 20000-50000:risk with minor trauma
- <20000:risk of spontaneous bleeding
- <10000:risk of severe,life-threatening bleeding
- 下降原因
- Pseudothrombocytopenia:platelet clumping
- Decreased production
- BM disease:hematologic disease、granulomatous disease、solid malignancy、TB
- Drug:alcohol、estrogen、thiazide、chemotherapy、radiotherapy
- Nutrition:B12 / folic acid deficiency、iron deficiency
- Infection:sepsis、virus(flu、EBV、CMV、HIV)
- Inherited
- Increased destruction
- Immune mediated
- Primary:ITP
- Secondary
- infection:HCV、HSV、HIV
- autoimmune:SLE、APS、RA
- alloimmune:post transfusion
- drugs:heparin、thiazides、sulfonamides、vancomycin
- lymphoproliferative:CLL、lymphoma
- Non-immune mediated
- infection:sepsis、HSV、EBV、CMV
- Others:giant hemangioma、cardiopulmonary bypass、CVVH、IABP
- Immune mediated
- Abnormal distribution:Dilutional、Splenic sequestration、hypothermia
- 上升原因
- Spurious thrombocytosis:schistocytes、cryoglobulinemia
- Primary:MDS、MPN
- Secondary
- Infection / inflammation:infection、IBD、autoimmune disease
- Stress or tissue damage:trauma、burns、surgery、postexercise
- Anemia:iron deficiency、bleeding、hemolysis
- Malignancy
- Asplenia
- Drugs:ATRA、steroid、epinephrine、vincristine
- MGH Pocket medicine 7th edition
- Textbook of Family Medicine 9th edition
- DynaMed. Anemia in Adults – Approach to the Patient. EBSCO Information Services. Accessed February 5, 2022.
- Thomas D Coates, MD (2022), Approach to the patient with neutrophilia, Retrieved from www.uptodate.com
- Hematology: Basic Principles and Practice 7th edition
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